Mobile recycling unit for PV end-of-life treatment

European innovation project for on-site recycling

Media information, November 19, 2013 – In October 2013 Photovoltaic Panels Mobile Recycling Device (PV MOREDE), a joint research project of La Mia Energia (Italy), the University of Florence (Italy), the Leitat Technological Centre (Spain) and PV CYCLE (Belgium), was approved for receiving EU-funding through the 12th edition of the European Union’s Eco Innovation Programme.

PV Morede, which officially started on 1st October 2013, will research into the development and industrialization of a mobile recycling device for discarded PV modules at the end of their life cycle. The project foresees the market entry of an innovative process for on-site PV panel recycling and will develop at least one PV Morede device for each Germany, Spain, France and Italy by 2016, with a total treatment capacity of 270,000 panels or the recovery of up to 4,735 tons of glass, 669 tons of aluminum and 7.6 tons of copper.

Compared with other industrial waste systems, PV Morede is able to treat PV modules directly where they are installed, allowing a cost-effective and easily accessible waste treatment for small quantities of PV panels. Treatment costs are expected to decrease by up to 40% per treated PV panel tonne.

PV Morede is particularly suitable for treating first generation photovoltaic panels and allows the recovery of several types of important waste products, such as glass, photosensitive metallic material or “light compound” (list not exhaustive).

Developed by the Turin-based consulting firm IGC and patented by La Mia Energia, the PV Morede project has an estimated cost of approximately € 900,000, partially funded by the research partners and a 50% non-payable grant from the European Commission’s Eco Innovation Programme.

For more information

PV CYCLE – Pia Alina Lange, PR & Communications Manager:

PV Morede – Valter Darbe: